The Art of Predicting Cyber Attacks: A Guide for Modern Businesses

As malicious actors grow more sophisticated in their techniques and targets, cyberattacks on organizations have become statistically inevitable. But beyond reacting to incidents, harnessing threat data proactively to predict how criminals may strike allows companies to beat bad actors before they breach defenses. According to the good folk at Outseer, turning threat intelligence into business strategy means companies can gain a profound advantage in hardening their digital operations preemptively.
Strengthen External Data Sharing
While IT teams intimately understand internal networks and technology stacks, insight into external threats takes cultivation through partnerships. Threat alliances, managed security service providers, government agencies and industry groups provide invaluable access to threat intelligence reports covering recent campaigns, new attack patterns and actor motivations. Cross-organization threat data gives context which allows for better interpretation of local telemetry and anticipation of risk exposure through shared weaknesses.
Incentivize Responsible Disclosures
Ethical hackers and third party security researchers … Read more